The recognized leader for "Factory Authorized" 

medical laser service in the USA

"Superior Service, Superior Solutions"
Our Services

Who We Work With

About Us

When Photonics Service Group, Inc. was established in February 2003, one of our goals was to be different from other medical laser service companies. This goal was not just to service a variety of medical lasers, but to set ourselves apart from all the others by being a "Factory Authorized" service company. This means that we only service lasers and equipment from manufacturers who provide us with factory training, factory technical support, factory service manuals, and factory parts. In essence, we become an invaluable extension of the factory.
In the beginning, we were "Factory Authorized" to service just a few lasers produced by only two manufacturers. Since then, we have expanded our operations by adding many new manufacturers and their product lines to our impressive list of affiliate manufacturers. Today we are "Factory Authorized" to service over 35 different systems from 15 international manufacturers spanning the globe.
In order to keep pace with these changes, we have added new service staff and affiliate service companies to augment our service capabilities. Some of our owner/employees have worked together for over 18 years, and each member of the Photonics Service Group team exhibit extraordinary dedication to our company, our customers and our affiliate manufacturers.

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Contact Us

Our Corporate Headquarters is located in Dallas, TX, which is strategically placed for around the country service. 
(800) 311-9813

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